Mental Health Links

24-Hour Crisis Line (toll-free) – 1-800-584-3578

There is no denying that mental health is a problem in our community. Mental health are not just local problems, they are a huge issue around the U.S. In my opinion, Skagit County, does not have the proper mental health services available to meet the overwhelming  need for mental health help in the community. There are so many factors that can affect a persons mental health status. Chemical imbalances, substance abuse, not getting the right medications, depression, homelessness, job loss, home foreclosure, stress, domestic violence, abuse, and drug use are just a few.  I believe that a good portion of the mental health issues we are experiencing locally are a direct result of illicit drug use, which is turn creates additional criminal activity, usually to “support” the persons drug habit. Although, this is not always the case, in a lot of instances it is.  With that being said, I will provide links to some of the mental health services offered in Skagit County. 


The Skagit County Mental Health program:
Details can be found here  on the Skagit County Mental Health Website.  Program Coordinator: Rebecca Clark
(360) 419-3420 ext. 3363

Skagit Valley REACH Center a CVAB self-help recovery center
Recovery, Empowerment, Advocacy, Community, Hope

STEP: Skagit Treatment Engagement Program Information and Form
Skagit Treatment Engagement Program provides outreach to homeless individuals who have a mental illness and who need support to become engaged in center-based mental health treatment.

Jail Transition Program
The Jail Transition Program (JTP) uses a post-booking case management model to facilitate safe transition from confinement to community services for inmates who have mental health disorders. The objectives of transition services are to lessen recidivism and to support individuals in becoming productive members of society. 

Mental Health Court Information
Skagit County Mental Health Court is a collaborative, problem-solving court designed to promote public safety and reduce recidivism among offenders with mental illness through an intensive program of evaluation, treatment and frequent monitoring of compliance.

Community Wellness
The Community Wellness Program provides short term mental health counseling services and is funded by the 0.1% sales tax revenue, monies allocated to strengthen and enhance the continuum of care for mental health and chemical dependency treatment services in Skagit County.

Functional Family Therapy
Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is a family-based intervention program for court-involved youth in Skagit County. 

Community Mental Health Providers:

Catholic Community Services NW (360) 856-3054

Compass Health – Skagit (360) 419-3500

Sea-Mar Community Mental Health Center (360) 428-8912

Sunrise Services 360-336-3762

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