Addiction Resources

file photo addictionAddiction is another big problem in Skagit County. A lot of times families feel helpless in trying to get their loved ones help with their addiction problems. I have personally went through this in my own family and it is tough. Whether it is alcohol abuse, heroin use, meth use or any other “drug of choice”, the addicts have to WANT the change before it is going to be effective. However, all things are possible and anyone can make the decision to change their life for the better at any time. I am not saying it is going to be easy, but it is definitely worth it. The addict, needs to admit they have a problem and want the help before any recovery service is going to be helpful to them.  It also means the addict will most likely lose some “friends”, who aren’t ready to give up the lifestyle, but it will benefit them in the long run.  I believe addiction is a big factor in mental health and criminal activities, and most addicts at one time or another were good people who made bad choices. It is never too late to make a change for the better and ask for help and forgiveness. Here are some links for Addiction Services that are available in Skagit County. 

This is what Meth will do to you:

Phoenix Recovery Services
1601 East College Way
Mount Vernon 98273
Sea Mar Behavioral Health Clinic
2500 East College Way Suite 100
Mount Vernon 98273
Services for Youth and Adults
Compass Health
1100 South 2nd Street
Mount Vernon 98273
Services for Adults enrolled in mental health services

Skagit County Crisis Center

Skagit Valley REACH Center a CVAB self-help recovery center

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