Mount Vernon, WA: I applied to take part in the 2015 Mount Vernon Police Department’s (MVPD) annual Citizens Academy. The MVPD Citizens Academy is a 12-week course that begins on February 12th and ends on April 30th. Classes are every Thursday night from 6:30 pm until 9:30 pm. They are set up for regular citizens to learn about the Mount Vernon Police Department, who they are, what they do and how citizens can help the Police Department. Skagit Breaking has a large reach into the community, and I thought this would be an excellent way for us to learn directly from the officers about their jobs and their policing strategies in the community. There were only 20 seats available for the yearly class and I am excited to be selected to be a part of the 21st annual Mount Vernon Police Department’s Citizen Academy.
This is part one of at least fifteen parts that we will be featuring weekly through Skagit Breaking. My goal is to take my experience and make it interactive with our audience. This will allow our readers to experience parts of the class and submit questions to us that we will be able to take back to the class and have answered by officers who specialize in the field.
The class Training Agenda:
Week 1: Into of Staff, Chief’s Address, Citizen Academy Overview, Department Tour.
Week 2: Traffic Enforcement, Hiring, Training and Accountability (Internal Affairs)
Week 3: Crime Prevention, Patrol Division, Neighborhood Deployment
Week 4: Kulshan Creek NRO, Use of Force
Week 5: Animal Control, K-9
Week 6: School Resource Officer, TEAM Program
Week 7: Prosecutor, Skagit 9-1-1 Dispatch
Week 8. Drug Investigations, Drug Court
Week 9. Records, Investigations
Week 10. Mock Scenes
Week 11. Tour of Skagit County Jail, and Juvenile Detention
Week 12. Gangs, Police Tactical Operations
Week 13. Overview and Graduation
There will also be a three hour ride along with a Mount Vernon Police Officer and I will get to sit alongside of a 9-1-1 Dispatcher at Skagit 9-1-1 as they answer emergency calls.
Stay Tuned for additional updates and you can follow the Mount Vernon Police Department on Facebook by clicking here: Mount Vernon Police on Facebook.
Visit them on the web by clicking here:
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