Burlington, WA – Message from Burlington Mayor Steve Sexton- The City of Burlington on March 24, 2020 has closed its offices until further notice to adjust for COVID-19 measures in accordance with recommendations from federal, state and local agencies. Employees have been furloughed with the exception of those deemed most critical, such as Burlington’s police and fire forces.
We realize the impact to you from these extreme measures will be significant. It is our great hope that these measures will result in drastically slowing the spread of the COVID-19 crisis and less damage to the economy overall.
With Burlington City Hall currently closed, please refer to current information on specific city services. This includes the status of our parks’ open spaces, free WiFi access points in Burlington, and library resources as well as specifics on courts, police, fire and utilities.
Skagit County Public Health remains a primary source of local information for COVID-19. Please reference their website for the latest on COVID-19 in Skagit County.
I appreciate your patience and understanding.
Steve Sexton Mayor – City of Burlington
Source: City of Burlington Press Memo
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