Port Orchard, Washington: 33-year old David Kalac of Port Orchard, Washington is accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend, Amber Lynn Coplin, 30 of Port Orchard Washington. Amber Lynn is a mother of four children. After murdering Amber, David reportedly stole her car, a gold 2001 Ford Focus and then posted graphic naked photos of her dead body as an anonymous user on the website www.4chan.org.
An anonymous user, believed by Law Enforcement to be, David Kalac, posted three photographs of a woman’s body on the website 4 chan, claiming to have strangled a Port Orchard woman. The photos, are very disturbing and show a naked woman with several tattoos, who appears to have been posed on top of a pillow in the center of a bed-with clear ligature marks around her neck. A string or rope of some sort is visible nearby. I will not post links to the 4 chan thread out of respect for the victim and her family.
Many users on the /b/ thread of 4 Chan where the photos were originally uploaded did not believe the photos to be real. Many 4 chan users actually made jokes about the photos and called the original poster some vulgar names on the thread, others went as far as to make memes of the photos. Many dismissed the anonymous users claims due to the fact that the photos were not time stamped. Additional 4 chan users who live outside of the US mistook the photos as being uploaded on 4/11/14 instead of 11/4/14. The website, 4 Chan, has since archived or deleted the thread, but it can still be found in their archives online.
There were some very disturbing captions or statements included with the photos as well as additional posting that appeared to be from the same user.
One photo had a caption that said, “Turns out its way harder to strangle someone to death than it looks like on the movies.”
Another caption stated, “she fought so damn hard.”
A third caption read: “Check the news for port orchard Washington in a few hours. Her son will be home from school soon. He’ll find her, then call the cops. I just wanted to share the pics before they find me. I bought a bb gun that looks realistic enough. When they come, I’ll pull it and it will be suicide by cop. I understand the doubts. Just check the fucking news. I have to lose my phone now.”
Investigators said Amber’s body was found by her teenage son, in the apartment she shared with Kalac in Port Orchard. Her son called his father, Paul Coplin to the scene about 2:50 p.m. His father called 911, they said.
Amber’s body was surrounded by messages that appeared to be from her killer the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office said in an affidavit of probable cause filed Wednesday morning. The images circulated on 4chan “matched the deceased female, trauma we observed and the residence interior,” the affidavit said.
The filing didn’t report a cause of death, but it said Coplin’s body showed obvious signs of “homicidal trauma” in a scene that matched the graphic images shared anonymously on 4chan.
Amber’s driver’s license was beside her head, with the word “dead” scrawled on it, according to investigators. The statement “she killed me first” was written on the bedroom wall, and “bad news” was written on the window blinds, they said.
Amber’s 2001 Ford Focus was missing, as were its keys, investigators said. So were David Kalac’s clothes and personal electronics, including his laptop and cellphone.
David Kalac, was last seen around 1:15 am on Wednesday, November 5th, 2014 in Portland Oregon when he led Portland Officers on a high speed chase after they initiated a traffic stop on Amber Lynn’s stolen Ford Focus. It has been reported by different news agencies that two of the tires on the Ford Focus are smaller “spare” tires. Portland police said in a statement they had to terminate the pursuit near Southwest 30th Avenue because the driver of the stolen vehicle, believed to be murder suspect David Kalac, sped up and swerved into oncoming traffic and put public safety at risk. The vehicle was last seen speeding southbound on Barbur Boulevard passing Taylors Ferry Road in Portland. Due to the writings posted on 4 chan, about suicide by cop, Portland Officers described Kalac as “armed and dangerous” and urged anyone who sees him to call 9-1-1 immediately.
Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office Spokesman Deputy Scott Wilson could not say whether the photos posted online were authentic. He has viewed the photos and said they are disturbing and graphic. Several 4 chan users who appeared to want to help the police, after learning there really was a woman murdered in Port Orchard, posted links to David Kalacs postings, Facebook page and other social media sites and some 4 chan users took screen shots of the photos before they were deleted. They also cross referenced the photos uploaded to photos on Amber Lynn’s Facebook page, and many commented about her tattoos matching. There were several 4 chan users who appeared to genuinely want to help find the killer while others continued to want to help or hide him.
Some of the conversation Screen shots saved by 4 chan users who claim they were uploaded by the killer:
http://prntscr.com/53caxb “I found out she was F****** another guy. our relationship was rocky at best. for the past 3 years I’ve been putting food on the table and raising her b****** son and she repays me with this! We were getting ready to “do it” when I came up from behind her with a .26 gauge wire I use for vaping and I killed her. B**** gave me a black eye. Im at a hotel now. wont say where.
http://prntscr.com/53cb8c “I really wish it didn’t have to come to this. I’m at a hotel right now crying as I write this on my phone. I was planning to go out with my bb gun and have the police shoot me but I lost my nerve. i’m not sure what to do now help me /b/
http://prntscr.com/53cbh1 “thank you for the advice, I don’t have her car but but I will pub transport it to Canada.”
http://prntscr.com/53cbt0 “thank you op. I am officially northbound. no one has given me any weird glances yet but I dont feel safe here. A job is the furthest thing from my mind. I just want to leave! perhaps i’ll post an update on how im doing but for now thank you /b/ for your yelp.
Several of the Victims Family members have described Kalac as Amber Lynn’s ex- boyfriend. Her sister, Patti Coppedge posted on a photo of David Kalac on Facebook and wrote: “Please help us find this bastard Dave Kalac. He murdered my baby sister Amber yesterday and took her car. This is a horrible tragedy and the family is obviously destroyed by this tragedy.”
Amber’s Step mother Teresa Gumm Schraw, asked for people to “please pray for their family.”
Originally, another user on 4 Chan, claimed to be responsible for the killing. Ryan Mitchell, posted numerous messages on 4 chan and uploaded a large video. According to 4 chan members, he “freaked out” during a live video upload when he heard his name on a police scanner while he was smoking weed in a dimly lit room.
A Go Fund Me account has been set up for Amber Lynn’s 4 Boys. Click here to go there.
As I am finishing this up, I just got notification via twitter that David Kalac has been taken into custody in Wilsonville, Oregon. I hope that gives Amber Lynn’s family some comfort during this difficult time.
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