Krista Salinas Consulting Becomes Strategic Emergency Education (SEE)

Mount Vernon, WA – Krista Salinas Consulting is excited to announce that they have changed their company name. In response to wide ranging changes in the business context of Krista Salinas Consulting, the Madlung & Jones, LLC subsidiary will change its name to Strategic Emergency Education. “We’re excited about the name change and the new logo. It puts us in a better position to grow,” says Krista Salinas, SEE Co-Founder and Instructor (formerly Founder of Krista Salinas Consulting).

Krista most recently worked for Skagit County Emergency Management from 2005-2016 and was in the duty rotation for response 24/7 to hazardous materials incidents, and other emergencies within the boundaries of Skagit County. She has worked in the Emergency Operations Center during numerous floods, snowstorms, power outages, and the Skagit River bridge collapse. Acting as the Emergency Coordination Center Manager, Krista facilitated resources for the Break Free Refinery Protest and the Cascade Mall Active Shooter incident.

Strategic Emergency Education specializes in Disaster and Emergency Services, including: Response & Recovery Guidelines, Policies and Procedures, Plan Writing & Development, Plan Maintenance, Grant Writing, Grant Management, Emergency Operations Center Development & Assistance, Tabletop, Drills, Exercises, and Games. SEE also specializes in medical training, including: CPR, first aid and life-threatening bleed control training.

“We are looking forward to working with Vital Compressions so that we may offer affordable, yet professional First Aid, CPR and life-threatening bleeding control training,” says Heather Jones, SEE Co-Founder and Instructor. Strategic Emergency Education has recently signed a Joint Venture Agreement with Vital Compressions to provide First Aid /CPR Training and Life-Threatening Bleed Control training. “This joint venture will enable us to provide lifesaving training to all of Skagit County and beyond. You never know when this training could save a life,” says Bev Riesland, Vital Compressions Founder.

For inquiries, please contact: Krista Salinas or Heather Jones. Their office phone number is: (360) 419-5684. Their email address is: They are in the procress of launching a new website, which will be

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