MVHS Substitute Teacher/Athletic Coach Relieved of Positions Following Discovery of Inappropriate Sexual Relationship With Teen Student

Mount Vernon, WA – According to information released by the Mount Vernon School District, one of their staff (a substitute teacher and athletic coach), was found to be engaged in an inappropriate sexual relationship with an 18-year-old Mount Vernon High School student over Spring Break.

The school district reports that they took immediate steps to remove the individual from their assistant coaching position and from the substitute teaching list. The school also contacted the Mount Vernon Police Department for follow-up.

The Mount Vernon School District had this to say of the situation:

Please be assured that the physical and emotional safety of all of our students is our first priority. We will not tolerate invasion of student boundaries or breaches or student trust by any of our employees. In the coming days, you may hear more about this through the media. If you have concerns, please contact your child’s principal or the District Office.

Skagit Breaking will not be releasing the names of those involved.

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