Oyster Run Safety Reminder from the Washington State Patrol

Anacortes, WA – The Washington State Patrol would like to remind motorists and attendees of the annual Oyster Run events in Anacortes to have a fun a safe weekend this weekend.

The Annual Anacortes Oyster is the largest motorcycle run in the Pacific Northwest and brings thousands of motorcycles into the Anacortes area from around the state.  The Washington State Patrol will have extra resources in the area to focus on aggressive, impaired and distracted drivers in an effort to prevent any serious injury or fatality collisions.

WSP will also be emphasizing motorcycle safety and would like to remind motorcyclist that lane splitting and driving on the shoulder is illegal.

The mobile impaired Driving Unit (MIDU) will be in the area for any arrests of impaired drivers.

Those traveling by car should also be very aware of the increase in motorcycle traffic this weekend.  Double check for motorcycle riders, not observing a motorcycle is one of the causes of collisions between motorcycles and other vehicles.

The Washington State Patrol urges ALL motorists to pay attention to their surrounding and please drive safe this weekend.

Additional Information on events planned for the Oyster Run can be found by clicking here. 

Arrive alive, don’t drink and drive.


About the Author

Chris Nelson
I'm a long time Skagit County Resident. I believe in doing the right thing and helping others when you can.

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