Skagit County, WA– Online Consumer advocacy group SafeWise looked at crime data and found Sedro-Woolley is the seventh safest city in the State of Washington, with less than one violent crime (.074) and 37.02 property crimes per one thousand residents. Sedro-Woolley has a population of 10,860. Total crime was listed at 1.99% violent crimes and 98.01% property crimes.
Anacortes, Washington ranked 13th on the list with a population of 16,532 and less than one violent crime (.91) per thousand residents. Property Crimes in Anacortes was listed at 28.01 per one thousand residents. Total crime 4.04% violent, 95.96% property crimes.
The Number one safest city in Washington State was listed by SafeWise as Snoqualmie, followed by Mercer Island, Sammamish and Newcastle. Lynden Made number 5 on the list and Camas listed as the 6th safest city.
Safewise said they identified the twenty safest cities in Washington by reviewing the 2016 FBI Crime Report statistics and population data. Cities that fell below identified population thresholds or that failed to submit a complete crime report to the FBI were excluded from the ranking system.
Violent Crimes included Aggravated Assault, Murder, Rape and Robbery. Property Crimes included Burglary, Arson, Larceny-Theft and Motor Vehicle Theft. If there was a tie, Safewise also factored in the number of property crimes, then calculated the rate of crimes per 1,000 people in each city.
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