
WDFW To Host Public Workshop on Baker Lake Sockey Salmon Management

Olympia, WA- The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) will host a public workshop on October 20th, 2018 in Mill Creek to discuss Baker Lake Sockeye Salmon management.

In a Press release from the WDFW, fishery manager from WDFW will briefly summarize this summer’s Baker Lake Sockeye fishery and will be there to discuss and share ideas on how to improve the fishery moving into the future.

“We’re refining ideas in preparation for next year’s salmon season-setting process and want the public’s input on what we’ve developed so far,” said Edward Eleazer, regional fish program manager for WDFW.

State, tribal and federal fishery managers plan the Northwest’s recreational and commercial salmon fisheries each year during a series of meetings in March and April. The process, which includes input from representatives of the recreational and commercial fishing industries, is known as the North of Falcon process.

The Baker Lake sockeye fishery first opened in 2010 after a juvenile fish-collection facility was installed at upper Baker Dam and a hatchery was opened at the lake.

This year, 17,241 sockeye were trapped below the lower Baker Dam and 8,441 fish were transported to the lake. The remaining sockeye were used for spawning at the hatchery.

You can access the WDFW website by clicking here to learn more information about the Baker Lake Sockeye.

About the Author

Chris Nelson
I'm a long time Skagit County Resident. I believe in doing the right thing and helping others when you can.

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