Curtis Cameron Arrested in $47,000 Burglary from US Forest Service Building

Photo Q13 Fox News

Skagit County, WA – On December 29th, 2016, Skagit County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a burglary at the US Forest Service Building in the 41000 block of State Route 20.

Taken in the Burglary were roughly $27,860 worth of power tools, chain saws, boat motors, lumber, miscellaneous other  tools and  two Ski Doo Snowmobiles and a utility trailer worth approximately $20,000.

The Washington State Patrol Crime Lab responded to the scene to assist the Skagit County Sheriff’s Office with the crime scene investigation.  There were foot prints left in the snow, as well as “Dully truck” tire impressions, blood and fingerprints.  Deputies also noted a white Dully Truck parked at a residence in the area.

On December 30th, 2016 deputies located a white dully truck parked in the 46000 block of Baker Loop Road. There was a rag with what appeared to have blood on it on the driver’s side dash. Deputies contacted the homeowner who stated the truck belonged to “Nick” and he was living in a travel trailer on the property. Deputies ran the plate on the truck and it returned to a van.  Further investigation determined the truck had been stolen in September of 2016 from a Car Dealership in Mount Vernon.  Witnesses told Detectives that Nick was bragging about doing a “$40,000 lick” within the past few days. He had also been bragging about getting one or two Snowmobiles during this burglary.

Further investigation led detectives to identify “Nick” as 49-year old  Erwin Nichols. Deputies were able to locate and  arrest Mr. Nichols at a RV trailer in Hamilton on January 7th, 2017.   When interviewed, Mr. Nichols stated he was at the U.S. Forest Service Building and that “other people” were with him.  He stated they needed a truck and he needed cash and “his cut” of the burglary were the  tools that he had hidden and wanted to use the tools  as a bargaining chip for sentencing. Deputies were able to locate several power tools at a home without the cooperation  of Mr. Nichols.

On January 9th, 2017 deputies made contact with a woman who stated another man was on his way to a residence in the 30000 block of Walberg Road in Day Creek to warn the owner that 25-year old Curtis Cameron, had stolen tools stored at the home in his Dodge Truck.  Mr. Cameron is known to drive a black 1996 Dodge Truck registered to his mother.

Deputies arrived at the property on Walberg Road and could see Mr. Cameron’s truck was in the driveway. In clear view,  Deputies could see a welding helmet, tools and a Kobalt Tool Box. A photo of the tool box was sent to the U.S. Forest Service and they confirmed that it appeared to be their stolen tool box.

Deputies knocked on the door and the occupants initially refused to come to the door. Eventually a person came to the door and told Deputies Mr. Cameron had been there removing Dewalt tools out of his truck within the last 45-minutes but he had left in a red Acura vehicle just prior to Deputies arriving.  Deputies were informed that Mr. Cameron was en route to meet two others at a Casino in Skagit County.

Deputies were able to locate Curtis Cameron, and two other subjects at the Swinomish Casino.  All three subjects were taken into custody.  The Red vehicle, a stolen 1992 red Acura Vigor was located by the Sedro Woolley Police Department in the 500 block of Bennett Road in Sedro-Woolley. The vehicle was stolen out of Clear Lake.  The vehicle was impounded to the Skagit County Sheriff’s Office for a search warrant.

Investigators learned from one of those arrested that he had  seen Curtis Cameron around December 25th, drive his truck to the house in Day Creek. The witness told Deputies that he had seen Curtis Cameron with  several Stihl Chainsaws in the back  of his truck. Cameron allegedly gave the witness a chainsaw and some binoculars. The binoculars had a tag on them that said USFS. Cameron told the witness that he had “hit” the USFS and had to hike in to get the stuff.

The witness told Deputies that a day or two later,Curtis Cameron had returned to the property in Day Creek with a full truck load of tools including several Dewalt power tools, shovels, axes, a log peeler, chainsaw chains, files, a generator, and other tools.   Curtis Cameron called another person to come and take a look at the tools to see if he wanted to buy any of them. The other person  showed up at the home in Day Creek and purchased a big tub full of Dewalt tools, the generator, log peeler and a small chainsaw for his wife for $200.00 and some methamphetamine.

Deputies conducted a search warrant at  home of the man who had purchased the stolen tools in the 26000 block of South Skagit Highway. Stolen Property belonging to the U.S. Forest Service burglary was located at the home including Dewalt tools, and Stihl chain saws.  The homeowners  were not home during the service of the search warrant and deputies made phone contact with them. They claimed to be en route to California.

A Search warrant was conducted on the Stolen Acura Vidor that had been driven by Curtis Cameron. A Ruger 10/22 long rifle was located between the seats. Dewalt Tools stolen from the U.S. Forest Service Burglary were located inside the vehicle, including a marine battery that was hooked up the engine of the Acura. Deputies also located several handmade fly-fishing rods, fishing reels, bags and clothing from a vehicle prowl that had occurred within hours of Curtis Cameron’s arrest. The total value of the items in the Acura were around $5,000. Curtis Cameron is suspected of committing the vehicle prowl in that case, which is still under investigation.

One Snowmobile and the trailer were located near Hamilton, WA. The other snowmobile was located near a boat launch in Birdsview.  Curtis Cameron had been bragging to friends about driving both snowmobiles up and down SR 20 over a few day period.  He told them he “ditched” the snowmobile near a boat launch in Birdsview after he blew up the motor. The snowmobiles were located in these areas by investigators and the conditions of the snowmobiles matched the witness statements. .

Curtis Cameron is currently being held in the Skagit County Jail in lieu of $25,000 bail for Investigation of Possession of Stolen Property 1st Degree, Trafficking Stolen Property 1st Degree, Possession of Stolen Property 2nd Degree, and a Separate Assault 4th Degree Incident.  Additional Charges are expected.

Erwin Nichols is currently being held in the Skagit County Jail in Lieu of  $16,500 bail for investigation of Possession of a stolen motor vehicle, Trafficking in Stolen Property 1st Degree and Burglary 2nd Degree.

Curtis Cameron is also a co-defendant in a separate Arson Incident where he threw Molotov Cocktails at several vehicles after a fight at a party where he assaulted a 19-year old man. See Information on that case by clicking here:

In 2013, Curtis Cameron Was one of Washington’s Most Wanted Criminals before he was arrested in Anacortes. Story via Q13 Fox:


Photo Credit: Q13 Fox News Story from 2013.








About the Author

Chris Nelson
I'm a long time Skagit County Resident. I believe in doing the right thing and helping others when you can.

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